international Child Harbouring & Abduction Prevention
Education Awarness Under-Law

iCHAPEAU Canada’s mission is to help STOP International Parental Child Abductions, wrongful retentions and support victims of this crime
iCHAPEAU is working towards becoming a not-for-profit and eventually a charitable organization offering assistance to parents who are dealing with a Parental Child Abduction in the Provinces / Territories of:
Alberta | British Columbia | Manitoba | New Brunswick | Newfoundland & Labrador | Nova Scotia | Ontario | Prince Edward Island | Quebec | Saskatchewan | Northwest Territories | Nunavut | Yukon
Welcome Leaders!
iCHAPEAU Canada is currently engaged in a Canadian-wide search for applicants, within various volunteer leadership and governance roles.
iCHAPEAU is an acronym for International Child Harbouring & Abduction Prevention Education Awareness Under-Law.
Our mission: Help STOP International Parental Child Abductions, wrongful retentions and support victims of this crime.
There are NO MEMBERSHIP FEES associated when affected parents seek to join or support our organization as we know these parents are already financially burdened when working towards returning their child as there are NO financial support structures in place.
Our funding strategy will be through public and corporate donations and fundraising in addition to eventually seeking provincial and federal grants.
We are working to connect with ALL Canadian parents and families who are affected by a Parental Child Abduction either internationally or nationally from Canada.
In some cases, some parents may also be worried or fear that their child could be taken by another parent out of Canada with or without their consent.
We want to work together to provide real world suggestions to the Canadian Government with strong strategies and protocols to protect ALL Canadian children from being kidnaped which make up approximately 83% of all kidnappings.
Our group of affected Canadian parents are working together towards establishing this Not-For-Profit -or- National Charity organization so that we can provide education, peer-to-peer support, victim support, reliable information and resources for cases along with helping to create more public awareness of these crimes which is also considered child abuse.
We are seeking to connect with Judges, Lawyers, Doctors, Educators, Researchers, Politicians and Professionals who can provide valuable information and feedback in order to provide support to victims of this crime while helping to develop resources and strategies to help STOP International Parental Child Abductions either internationally or nationally from Canada.
We are actively seeking candidates interested in contributing within the following roles:
- iCHAPEAU Canada Board of Directors
- Special Committees
- Individuals looking to contribute on a Federal / Province wide scale
All applications are welcome from ages 18 and above.
Please see below for more information in the respective recruitment opportunities:
iCHAPEAU Canada Board of Directors
iCHAPEAU Canada Board of Directors is a skill-based Governance Board, with a strategic aim to grow the impact of iCHAPEAU Canada throughout Canada.
We are currently looking for individuals who can bring one or more of the following backgrounds to the team:
- Legal and Judiciary Professionals
- Public Health Professionals
- Security Professionals
- Funding / Planning Expertise
- Government Agency / Community Agency Partnership Development
- Sales & Marketing - Digital & Online Platforms (preferred)
- Private Sector / Corporate Background - Provincial / National / Global exposure
- Other Relevant Skill Sets
Our goal is to have a diverse team that represents our unique communities across Canada. Responsibilities include six to ten in person or remote (conference call) meetings per year, with the occasional special event or committee work.
Standing & Special Committees
iCHAPEAU Canada will be establishing standing and special committees, all with a very specific focus towards the organization. The following is a suggested list of Standing and Special Committees we wish to develop. The Board of Directors is a skill-based Governance Board, with a strategic aim to grow the impact of iCHAPEAU Canada throughout Canada.
The following is a suggested list of Standing and Special Committees:
- Domestic Judiciary Committee [Legal / Education]- s
- International Hague Strategy Committee [Legal / Education]
- Canadian Boarder Exit Strategy Committee [Security / Education]
- Mental Health & Wellness Victim Support Committee [Services / Education]
- Resources Committee [Financial]
- Fundraising Committee [Financial]
- Social Media Committee [Awareness Campaigns]
- Annual Meeting and Conference Committee [Planning & Execution of annual events]
- Governance Development Committee [strategic governance and policy development]
If any of these committees are something of interest to you or a colleague, please reach out for more information.
If you are interested in applying for a position on the iCHAPEAU Canada Board of Directors or any of the Standing or Special Committees highlighted above, or if you know of anyone who you would like to recommend, can you kindly submit the following information:
- Full name
- Contact information (email and phone number)
- Summary cover letter outlining why you’re applying for the position
- Summary of experience (Resume/CV)
We believe by working TOGETHER as an organization, we can help to STOP International Parental Child Abductions, wrongful retentions and support victims of this crime in Canada.
Please forward the information highlighted above with a copy of your Summary and Resume/CV to: